Well my answer (and thoughts) about that is yes and no.
I’ve been seeing so many things on Facebook (most recently with these “I’m gay, but I’m not….” And “I’m Muslim, but I’m Not…” videos) and the news, and everything everywhere, about how Islam/Muslims are being stereotyped, and Christians are being so hateful with gay marriage, and how there’s so much racism with blacks and whites, and I mean (I hate to quote this) “can’t we all just get along?” Can’t we all just ignore all of this and just “LOVE” each other for who we are, and accept every one for who they are and just go along with life and pretend that everything is just a big bowl of cherries with no worries in the world?! I’m guessing by the last part of that you can guess my answer:
Sorry- NO.
First and foremost, I really feel that society has become an “EVERYTHING” vs. “CHRISTIANS/GOD”, and it’s really started to irritate me and make me sick. When I stand back and I see everything that’s going on, and how society as a whole is flushing itself down the preverbal toilet, SEE'S itself doing this, it’s just unbelievable to me how society is just "okay" with destroying itself like this.
I'm just going to jump right in: There are several things in the quran/Islam that I believe support "terroristic" acts, and do call for killing people that disagree with mohammad/allah, ect. I will also say that there are several things in the Christian bible that also are pretty severe punishments for certain things such as killing someone who is gay. Now, pay attention, because here is where the fundamental difference is- the Bible states these things are sin, and that if you sin, you go to hell, plain and simple. Then people complain and say "SEE! God is so evil! If He was so loving, why would He condemn people to hell just because they love someone? Christianity is terrible and full of hate!" The problem is, people didn't take the entire bible in context- (not meaning for this to be a bible study, but bear with me and all will make sense in a second)- Here's "Christianity 101". God is perfect. Everything about Him is perfect. He is so perfect and so holy, that it is impossible for any sin, or bad, or person that has sinned to be around Him. His rules not mine, sorry. His rules state that homosexuality is a sin and punishable by death (OLD TESTAMENT) But what people forget is 2 small things- One- SO DOES ISLAM (so where is the hatred to "homophobic islam extremists"? Why only Christians?) and secondly- the other "SMALL" thing the bible points out is that homosexuality is a sin, yes- but so is lying. So is stealing. So is thinking evil thoughts. So if you're gay and you're reading this, thinking you're going to hell, guess what? I've lied in my life several times, i've stolen things, i've thought bad thoughts. So guess what? I'm as much deserving of Hell as you are!! God is perfect and in His eyes there is no "worse" sin than the next, they're all the same. Here is the thing about "Christianity". Everyone- EV-REE-ONE has sinned, NO ONE is deserving of heaven, we ALL deserve to die and go to hell- sorry, sad but true. The fundamental difference between islam and Christianity (among MANY others)- God, although perfect and loves us so much, KNOWS that there was no way for us to be able to be perfect and go to heaven. He knew we were all going to be condemned to hell. So then you ask "if He knew that, why set us up to fail? What kind of messed up God is this?" Simple- He didn't set us up to fail- He set us up to LIVE. He loved us so much, He wanted us to know Him and NEED HIM back. He knew we wouldn't be perfect, so God's Son Jesus was born. Lived a perfect life and sacrificed himself for all the sins that mankind current, past, and future would commit so we would all be able to go to heaven no matter what sin we committed. (NEW Testament) If we believe in His Son, we're saved from hell, THAT simple. Once Jesus died and rose again, we were then living under grace, and the NEW LAW (New Testament), and death was no longer punishment for sins, but there was forgiveness. Christianity proclaims that we have a "free will" to make decisions on weather we want to do right or wrong. If we do right, there is rewards. if we do wrong, we have consequences (just like a parent/childBeing a Christian is a relationship with God and our Savior Jesus.
Okay bible study out of the way, on to the next point- To make reference back to those videos I was talking about initially. This is more of something that, after reading my "friends" multiple FB posts, and seeing that video, really made me think about things in general as far as religion and politics/tolerance go. First of all I want to clear up a couple things: Not all muslims are terrorists, and I have never and will not ever think that. With that being said, I want to point out something that someone posted in regards to that video that, frankly pissed me off when I read it. I don't remember word for word what it said, but it was something to the effect of how we all just have to love each other, and stop with all the hatred toward muslims/islam. It's not so much the statement that bothers me, because I totally agree with it! My problem is what was "said without being said" in that post. His post (a male I am friends with on FB), has posted several other 'anti-Christian/pro-muslim' comments/videos ect, and this one for some reason just set me off. I'm pretty quiet on FB about things like this, so when I saw it, all I could think in my head was "YOU *BLEEPING* HYPOCRITE!!!!" (see, there's me thinking a bad thought about someone- I sin just like the next person). Yes, I felt he was being hypocritical. Although not directly with that video/post, but with everything he had been posting to that point, and then that one. He was really making it like the "Christians" were causing a lot of the issues with the country, and Christians were the ones singling out muslims and placing stereotypes on them, such as "terrorists", and how Christians in general are so intolerant of gays, and muslims, and that CHRISTIANS are just hateful people!.... Here's my problem with that (among other things) and a small comparison of "tolerance" between Christianity and islam:
Why am I being told that I (as a Christian) need to be tolerant of a faith that promotes killing me if I don't believe what you say? Again, not ALL muslims believe this, but lets go over a few things here for comparison- in the quran: there are over 109 verses that call for killing of "non believers". In the bible, Christians are told to go out and tell the good news to people, and preach forgiveness for sins. There are so many differences, I really don't have enough time/space to list them all, but to me this is a HUGE difference. And I know this is going to come up, so I will address it now- what about the crusades? How many hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the name of "Christianity"?? And here's my answer- MILLIONS of people have been killed in the name of "religious fanaticism". There have been horrific things that were done in the name of "Christianity" and they were wrong. There have been horrific things that were done in the name of "islam" and they were wrong. The difference is that even though they were done and they were wrong- Christianity does NOT call for the killing of people who believe differently than they do, whereas islam does. Thankfully, not all muslims believe this way, but unfortunately I'm seeing a trend that is promoting young muslims to "go back to the old way". This is sadly, going to result in a large religious war of biblical (literally) proportions. I think (my personal thoughts) is the next "religious" war is going to be islam vs. Christianity, it's coming soon, and it's going to be a very bad, very bloody one, and millions of Christians and Jews are going to be killed at the hands of islamists and those who support them. This has already been predicted in the bible, and has recently been coming to pass in modern day, but people aren't really wanting to see it. Maybe the thought is "If i don't acknowledge it, it isn't really happening..." Tell that to the twelve million people killed in concentration camps during WWII....
BUT these are again, just my thoughts and ramblings!
I've have been thinking a lot about "end time" prophesy and how much is already happening right before our eyes worldwide... I'll probably post something about that soon.
I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this, but I will give a disclaimer: I welcome a great conversation, even if we don't agree on everything, however insults directly to one religion/person or another (along with any profanity) will not be tolerated. I'm doing this for great conversations, not to promote any hatred or prejudice.
I’ve been seeing so many things on Facebook (most recently with these “I’m gay, but I’m not….” And “I’m Muslim, but I’m Not…” videos) and the news, and everything everywhere, about how Islam/Muslims are being stereotyped, and Christians are being so hateful with gay marriage, and how there’s so much racism with blacks and whites, and I mean (I hate to quote this) “can’t we all just get along?” Can’t we all just ignore all of this and just “LOVE” each other for who we are, and accept every one for who they are and just go along with life and pretend that everything is just a big bowl of cherries with no worries in the world?! I’m guessing by the last part of that you can guess my answer:
Sorry- NO.
First and foremost, I really feel that society has become an “EVERYTHING” vs. “CHRISTIANS/GOD”, and it’s really started to irritate me and make me sick. When I stand back and I see everything that’s going on, and how society as a whole is flushing itself down the preverbal toilet, SEE'S itself doing this, it’s just unbelievable to me how society is just "okay" with destroying itself like this.
I'm just going to jump right in: There are several things in the quran/Islam that I believe support "terroristic" acts, and do call for killing people that disagree with mohammad/allah, ect. I will also say that there are several things in the Christian bible that also are pretty severe punishments for certain things such as killing someone who is gay. Now, pay attention, because here is where the fundamental difference is- the Bible states these things are sin, and that if you sin, you go to hell, plain and simple. Then people complain and say "SEE! God is so evil! If He was so loving, why would He condemn people to hell just because they love someone? Christianity is terrible and full of hate!" The problem is, people didn't take the entire bible in context- (not meaning for this to be a bible study, but bear with me and all will make sense in a second)- Here's "Christianity 101". God is perfect. Everything about Him is perfect. He is so perfect and so holy, that it is impossible for any sin, or bad, or person that has sinned to be around Him. His rules not mine, sorry. His rules state that homosexuality is a sin and punishable by death (OLD TESTAMENT) But what people forget is 2 small things- One- SO DOES ISLAM (so where is the hatred to "homophobic islam extremists"? Why only Christians?) and secondly- the other "SMALL" thing the bible points out is that homosexuality is a sin, yes- but so is lying. So is stealing. So is thinking evil thoughts. So if you're gay and you're reading this, thinking you're going to hell, guess what? I've lied in my life several times, i've stolen things, i've thought bad thoughts. So guess what? I'm as much deserving of Hell as you are!! God is perfect and in His eyes there is no "worse" sin than the next, they're all the same. Here is the thing about "Christianity". Everyone- EV-REE-ONE has sinned, NO ONE is deserving of heaven, we ALL deserve to die and go to hell- sorry, sad but true. The fundamental difference between islam and Christianity (among MANY others)- God, although perfect and loves us so much, KNOWS that there was no way for us to be able to be perfect and go to heaven. He knew we were all going to be condemned to hell. So then you ask "if He knew that, why set us up to fail? What kind of messed up God is this?" Simple- He didn't set us up to fail- He set us up to LIVE. He loved us so much, He wanted us to know Him and NEED HIM back. He knew we wouldn't be perfect, so God's Son Jesus was born. Lived a perfect life and sacrificed himself for all the sins that mankind current, past, and future would commit so we would all be able to go to heaven no matter what sin we committed. (NEW Testament) If we believe in His Son, we're saved from hell, THAT simple. Once Jesus died and rose again, we were then living under grace, and the NEW LAW (New Testament), and death was no longer punishment for sins, but there was forgiveness. Christianity proclaims that we have a "free will" to make decisions on weather we want to do right or wrong. If we do right, there is rewards. if we do wrong, we have consequences (just like a parent/childBeing a Christian is a relationship with God and our Savior Jesus.
Okay bible study out of the way, on to the next point- To make reference back to those videos I was talking about initially. This is more of something that, after reading my "friends" multiple FB posts, and seeing that video, really made me think about things in general as far as religion and politics/tolerance go. First of all I want to clear up a couple things: Not all muslims are terrorists, and I have never and will not ever think that. With that being said, I want to point out something that someone posted in regards to that video that, frankly pissed me off when I read it. I don't remember word for word what it said, but it was something to the effect of how we all just have to love each other, and stop with all the hatred toward muslims/islam. It's not so much the statement that bothers me, because I totally agree with it! My problem is what was "said without being said" in that post. His post (a male I am friends with on FB), has posted several other 'anti-Christian/pro-muslim' comments/videos ect, and this one for some reason just set me off. I'm pretty quiet on FB about things like this, so when I saw it, all I could think in my head was "YOU *BLEEPING* HYPOCRITE!!!!" (see, there's me thinking a bad thought about someone- I sin just like the next person). Yes, I felt he was being hypocritical. Although not directly with that video/post, but with everything he had been posting to that point, and then that one. He was really making it like the "Christians" were causing a lot of the issues with the country, and Christians were the ones singling out muslims and placing stereotypes on them, such as "terrorists", and how Christians in general are so intolerant of gays, and muslims, and that CHRISTIANS are just hateful people!.... Here's my problem with that (among other things) and a small comparison of "tolerance" between Christianity and islam:
Why am I being told that I (as a Christian) need to be tolerant of a faith that promotes killing me if I don't believe what you say? Again, not ALL muslims believe this, but lets go over a few things here for comparison- in the quran: there are over 109 verses that call for killing of "non believers". In the bible, Christians are told to go out and tell the good news to people, and preach forgiveness for sins. There are so many differences, I really don't have enough time/space to list them all, but to me this is a HUGE difference. And I know this is going to come up, so I will address it now- what about the crusades? How many hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the name of "Christianity"?? And here's my answer- MILLIONS of people have been killed in the name of "religious fanaticism". There have been horrific things that were done in the name of "Christianity" and they were wrong. There have been horrific things that were done in the name of "islam" and they were wrong. The difference is that even though they were done and they were wrong- Christianity does NOT call for the killing of people who believe differently than they do, whereas islam does. Thankfully, not all muslims believe this way, but unfortunately I'm seeing a trend that is promoting young muslims to "go back to the old way". This is sadly, going to result in a large religious war of biblical (literally) proportions. I think (my personal thoughts) is the next "religious" war is going to be islam vs. Christianity, it's coming soon, and it's going to be a very bad, very bloody one, and millions of Christians and Jews are going to be killed at the hands of islamists and those who support them. This has already been predicted in the bible, and has recently been coming to pass in modern day, but people aren't really wanting to see it. Maybe the thought is "If i don't acknowledge it, it isn't really happening..." Tell that to the twelve million people killed in concentration camps during WWII....
BUT these are again, just my thoughts and ramblings!
I've have been thinking a lot about "end time" prophesy and how much is already happening right before our eyes worldwide... I'll probably post something about that soon.
I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this, but I will give a disclaimer: I welcome a great conversation, even if we don't agree on everything, however insults directly to one religion/person or another (along with any profanity) will not be tolerated. I'm doing this for great conversations, not to promote any hatred or prejudice.
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